The Print Release for Photographers

The Print Release for Photographers

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This simple document is great to send to your clients as a courtesy so that they may print your photos from their events. This document will maintain your copyright ownership over the photos while allowing them to print as many copies as they need.

Funny story: I had to put this template to the test this past December when I was that person trying to print out their Christmas cards at the last minute. The printing shop I was at could tell I was using professional photographs, but apparently was able to guess that I wasn’t the professional photographer (they were right). I had to quickly print out this print release to use… and in that moment I realized it’s just as handy to have on me, as it is for the client!

    • Permission for the bearer of the agreement to print an unlimited number of photos, for personal use

    • Policies around using the photos or commercial or editorial purposes and entering into photography competitions

    • Who owns the copyright to the images

    • Requirement for the photographer to be credited when the photos are published online

    • Policies around editing the photos

  • This template was written with photographers in mind who want to give their clients permission to print their photos you took for personal use.

    This agreement is intended to be given by the photographer to their client.

    If you’d like to go above and beyond for your clients, give this agreement from the get-go, instead of waiting for them to ask for it.

    With this signed agreement, your clients can print their photos you took with a professional printing company without issue.

    Alternatively, if you’re the client of a photographer who has not supplied you a print release, you may purchase this template and ask your photographer to sign it.

  • Instant access to:

    • An instruction guide on how to edit & use your template

    • Your legal template in .docx format which may be edited in any word processor or Google Docs

    • Highlighted sections and instructions in the template on how to properly customize it to your business



We passed the bar so you don’t have to

Customize your template, no law degree required


instantly download

Instantly access your template and instructor guide. Learn all about customizing the template to your business with our simple instructions.

edit and customize

Swap out the demo content and examples for your own business name, pricing package options, location, etc.

use confidently

Pop the completed contract into your CRM or on your site. Then sleep soundly knowing you and your business are legally well taken care of.



Editing your template is as simple as ...


The Creative Law Shop Customizable Contracts for Creatives


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