The Single Member LLC Operating Agreement

The Single Member LLC Operating Agreement

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Single Person LLC Operating Agreement for creative entrepreneurs

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The Single Person LLC Operating Agreement is the most important document a solo person LLC can have. In fact, it’s something I require all of my clients to have- and many states do as well. This document will prove that your business is in fact a business, and that it should be treated separately from your personal assets.

This Operating Agreement is a redacted iteration of the Operating Agreement that our founder and lead shop attorney uses for her own LLCs.

    • The name of the company, the date it is formed, and which state’s Limited Liability Company Act it is governed by

    • The purpose of the company, it’s address and principal place of business

    • What capital contributions were made, and how much

    • How future contributions, interest, profit and losses and distributions will be handled

    • How the LLC will be managed, and the allocation of votes

    • How new members may be added to the LLC

    • The duties of members, including duties of care, good faith, and loyalty

    • How books, records and accounting will be handled

    • Policy around dissolution of the LLC

    • Who is required to give consent of any amendments to the operating agreement

    • General legal provisions including: Indemnification, entire agreement, governing law, severability, notices, no waiver, and counterparts

  • This is an essential template for any business owner who is looking to form an LLC.

    With this agreement, you’ll clearly define how the company is to be run and managed.

  • Instant access to:

    • An instruction guide on how to edit & use your template

    • Your legal template in .docx format which may be edited in any word processor or Google Docs

    • Highlighted sections and instructions in the template on how to properly customize it to your business

The operating agreement is the document that governs the LLC, and is something you will typically need when opening a business bank account. In order to protect your status as a business, and ensure that your business isn’t governed by default state laws you probably didn’t even know existed, an operating agreement is an essential document for your business.



We passed the bar so you don’t have to

Customize your template, no law degree required


instantly download

Instantly access your template and instructor guide. Learn all about customizing the template to your business with our simple instructions.

edit and customize

Swap out the demo content and examples for your own business name, pricing package options, location, etc.

use confidently

Pop the completed contract into your CRM or on your site. Then sleep soundly knowing you and your business are legally well taken care of.



Editing your template is as simple as ...


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