The Presenting Your Contract E-Book

The Presenting Your Contract E-Book

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One of the core missions and motivations behind the Creative Law Shop®: every creative entrepreneur should have the opportunity, tools, and resources to form a legally sound business. Hence, the creation of 65+ client agreements, converted into template form in the name of accessibility and affordability.

With that in mind, if you put in the effort to use a real, lawyer-drafted contract, you shouldn’t feel intimidated by the thought of sending it to your client- you should feel as equipped as you are safe. Purchasing an actual legally-binding contract is half the battle, truthfully: the other half? Using it as a tool to your advantage with every client. After all, nobody wins if your client doesn’t feel comfortable signing the agreement. 

    • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about presenting a contract, including:

    • How do you present your fees/price?

    • How do I explain my contract?

    • How do I make it pretty?

    • Does a long contract mean you don’t trust me

    • Suggested wording to use when presenting your contract, including:

    • Asking your client to sign your contract

    • What to say if the client has questions about the contract

    • What to say if the client wants to have their parents or someone else read over it

    • How to handle clients pushing back on the contract

  • If you’re nervous to present your contract to your client or aren’t sure how to best handle the difficult conversations that may arise in the process, this e-book will help with some of our best advice around the topic.

    Our goal with this e-book is to equip you with the knowledge to confidently manage the contract presenting, negotiation and signing process.

    If you’ve never presented a contract to a client before, or have but didn’t feel confident in the situation, we highly suggest this e-book.

  • Instant access to a PDF download of the Presenting Your Contract E-Book

In this e-book, you'll find our most frequently FAQs about presenting your contract to your client, including pricing, design, and length. Additionally, you'll also find a framework for each step of your client negotiation, including tips from our founder on how she handles presenting contracts to her own clients. 



We passed the bar so you don’t have to

Customize your template, no law degree required


instantly download

Instantly access your template and instructor guide. Learn all about customizing the template to your business with our simple instructions.

edit and customize

Swap out the demo content and examples for your own business name, pricing package options, location, etc.

use confidently

Pop the completed contract into your CRM or on your site. Then sleep soundly knowing you and your business are legally well taken care of.



Editing your template is as simple as ...


The Creative Law Shop Customizable Contracts for Creatives


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