Section Two - Defining Your Scope of Services with the Client

This section is crucial as it outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both parties. We’ll dive into the detailed steps to ensure you have a comprehensive and clear agreement. 

table of contents

  1. Scope of Services

  2. Service Provision Details

  3. Additional Service Options

  4. Materials and Access Requirements

  5. Deliverables and Third-Party Services

  6. Time Tracking Agreement

Section Two is one of the most detailed and business-specific parts of any contract. It's designed to capture the nuances of your services and ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of what to expect.

Scope of Services

  • This section requires you to outline the specific services you will provide. This includes the term of the agreement and whether you'll offer a consultation before starting the work.

  • Define the Term of the Agreement: Specify the start and end dates, or the duration if it's a recurring service.

    • For example, if you are hired on a 12-month retainer, you would list the start date and the end date one year later. 

  • Offer a Consultation: Will you be meeting with the client before starting the work? If so, this should be detailed, including the duration and method of the consultation (e.g., 60 minutes via Zoom). 

    • Example: Schedule a 60-minute Zoom consultation on May 29th, 2025.

  • Service Description: Be specific about what services you will be providing. Include details from your service page or client proposal. 

    • Example: If you are a web designer, list out the specific pages and any SEO promises you will be including in the project.

Service Provision Details

  • If you are providing your services on a timeframe basis (e.g., 12-month retainer), select “Timeframe” and specify the hours included and the exact date period the services will cover. 

    • Example: 10 hours from May 28th, 2024 to June 28th, 2024.

  • If you are providing your services on a project basis (e.g., completion of a website design), select “Project-Based” and outline key deliverables and deadlines.

    • Example: Completion of Homepage by June 15th, completion of About Page by June 30th, etc.

Additional Service Options

  • If you would like your packages or offerings to include additional services, rush work, or after-hours work that the client can purchase, this is where you will include those services.

  • Include the extra services you would like to be available to the client, such as rush work or after-hours work and set the rates for these additional services.

    • Example: Rush work at an additional rate of $50/hour; after-hours work from 6 PM to 9 PM at $75/hour. 

Materials and Access Requirements

  • List the materials and access needed from the client to complete the services. This ensures you have everything required to perform the work efficiently.

  • Specify what the client needs to provide, such as logos, access to accounts, etc.

    • Example: Access to their website's backend, logos, and content.

  • Include any necessary account access or tools required. Give a date for when access is needed by. 

    • Example: Access to Zoom, Gmail, Dropbox by 06/01/2024.

  • Method of Delivery: How will you be requesting the necessary account access be submitted to you?

    • Example: email, Dropbox, LastPass, etc.

Deliverables and Third-Party Services

  • Defining Deliverables: Here’s where you will define any and all tangible items you will provide, such as design files. Also, outline any third-party services you will purchase on behalf of the client and the required upfront payment.

  • List Deliverables: Clearly list any physical or digital items being provided.

    • Example: Design files for the website. 

  • Specify Third-Party Vendor Purchases: Detail the terms and conditions for any third-party vendor purchases and/or services.

    • Example: Require a 30% upfront payment for third-party services.

Time Tracking Agreement

  • Time Tracking: Agree on how time will be tracked and reported. This helps prevent disputes about the amount of time spent on the project.

  • Method of Tracking: Specify how time will be recorded.

    • Example: Use an online time-tracking tool to log hours.

  • Provide Timesheet Details: Detail how and when timesheets will be submitted.

    • Example: Submit timesheets weekly via email.

Review all the details in this section to ensure accuracy and completeness. This will help create a clear and effective agreement tailored to your business needs.