The Model Release

The Model Release

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Model Release

Every photographer needs to have a model release on hand. Without the crucial provisions covered in your contract, you may be infringing on your clients’ privacy rights by showcasing their photos - even if it’s just on Instagram.

This template is designed for those times when you need a separate model release - for example, if you decide to publish a photo of the bridal party, but you haven’t had those bridesmaids sign anything saying they consent.

This template could also be tweaked for the purposes of business owners who are taking photos with others in the photos and who want to be able to share the photos or use them in their business or marketing.

Please note: Model releases are automatically built into all CLS photography contracts.

    • Who is entering into the agreement and the purpose of the agreement

    • Permission for the photographer to display, edit, reproduce, sell, and otherwise use the images

    • Where and for how long the photos may be used by you

    • Who owns and has property rights to the photos

    • Statement that the model waives all legal rights relating to liabilities and damages resulting from your use of the photos

    • Standard legal terms, and more

  • This is template was written with photographers in mind who want to ensure they’re freely able to share their work, including the images and likeness of the people in their photos.

    This agreement is intended to be used between the photographer and anyone in their photos.

    Alternatively, it may be used by business owners who want to ensure their rights to use photos taken for their business with others in them.

  • Instant access to:

    • An instruction guide on how to edit & use your template

    • Your legal template in .docx format which may be edited in any word processor or Google Docs

    • Highlighted sections and instructions in the template on how to properly customize it to your business



We passed the bar so you don’t have to

Customize your template, no law degree required


instantly download

Instantly access your template and instructor guide. Learn all about customizing the template to your business with our simple instructions.

edit and customize

Swap out the demo content and examples for your own business name, pricing package options, location, etc.

use confidently

Pop the completed contract into your CRM or on your site. Then sleep soundly knowing you and your business are legally well taken care of.



Editing your template is as simple as ...


The Creative Law Shop Customizable Contracts for Creatives


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