Section Six - Creative Cooperation

Welcome to the midpoint of completing your contract! This section marks the transition from the business-oriented part of your contract to the legally binding provisions essential for a comprehensive and enforceable agreement. Let's explore how to craft a well-defined and adaptable agreement that meets your specific business needs while adhering to legal requirements.

table of contents

  1. Managing Communication and Expectations

  2. Incorporating AI in Service Delivery

  3. Addressing Delays and Pause Clauses

  4. Handling Deliverables

This section deals with how parties will collaborate, outlining expectations for communication, the use of AI in service delivery, and how to manage delays. Despite its complexity behind the scenes, our platform simplifies it for you, making it straightforward to customize your contract while maintaining its legal integrity.

Managing Communication and Expectations

  • Effective communication is vital for a successful collaboration. This part of the section specifies the frequency and manner of communication between the parties, ensuring clarity and managing expectations.

  • Include the number of days that you will have all communications answered within. 

  • Build in some leeway into this for yourself.

Incorporating AI in Service Delivery

  • With the rise of AI, it's crucial to specify if and how AI will be used in the service delivery. This ensures transparency and compliance with current legal standards regarding intellectual property and copyright.

  • This does not include using ChatGPT to help write social media captions, etc. for your own marketing tools.

  • This is in regards to using AI in a way that directly impacts the final deliverable provided to the client.

    • Example: a graphic designer using AI to create a portion of a logo. 

  • When in doubt, select “Yes”

  • Include the percentage amount of the work will not be AI generated in order to ensure the work meets legal standards for copyright and intellectual property.

Addressing Delays and Pause Clauses

  • The Pause Clause allows for a temporary halt in work under specific conditions. 

  • It’s recommended to include both Client’s Delay and Vendor’s Delay if choosing to add a Pause Clause to be equitable. 

  • If the project is so delayed that you as the vendor cannot continue the work, and the project has to be put on pause, choose whether the agreement will be edited with an Amendment or will the parties will have to enter into a Rescheduling Agreement. 

  • “Estimated Completion Date” is the date the project was originally supposed to be completed by. 

  • Termination Agreement: Include the number of days that would constitute terminating the project. 

Handling Deliverables

  • Include the specific deliverables of the project or work that were not able to be completed due to the delays that warranted the Pause, such as the completion of a questionnaire or form. 

  • The delay means it is now impossible for you as the vendor to provide the services that the client contracted you for.