Creative Law Shop® Customer Highlights: Rachel Benight of Nourished by Rachel
Meet Rachel Benight, a Creative Law Shop® client that has turned her passion for health and wellness into a business that helps others reach their goals. For more information, head to her website!
Name: Rachel Benight
Company Name: Nourished by Rachel
Industry: Health and Wellness
Years in Industry: 5 years
Location: Tulsa, OK
Instagram: @nourishedbyrachel
How long have you been in the industry/practicing your craft?
I have been a Registered Dietitian for 5 years!
How did you get started in the industry?
I have always been interested in health and wellness. For a long time, though, I chased health in an unhealthy way, restricting myself, leading to a poor relationship with food and my body. I thought I had to “kill myself in the gym” and follow a very restrictive diet in order to be “healthy.” Finally, through a series of events, I realized that in order to find true health, I had to start feeding my body nourishing foods and enough of them! It was this experience that led me to start my own business teaching and empowering women to do the same.
What industry changes have you seen since you began? How have you adjusted to those changes along the way?
The nutrition industry is ALWAYS changing. There is constantly a new fad diet, whether that be Whole 30, Paleo, Keto, or Vegan. Throughout all of the changes in the nutrition industry, I have done my best to stay updated with the latest research and evidence-based practices. I also make sure that my recommendations line up with my mission of helping women establish a healthy relationship with food and their bodies while crushing their individual health goals, whether that is losing weight, balancing their hormones, or overcoming years of unhealthy food behaviors.
“I realized that by trying to speak to everyone, I was speaking to no one. I am constantly working on refining my target audience.”
- Rachel Benight
Are there any mistakes you made early on in your business that you learned from/ what taught you the biggest lesson when you began your business?
Honestly, my business is still so young (only 12 months!) that I am learning from my mistakes every single day. I would say the biggest mistake that I made in the very beginning was trying to reach everyone. I thought that by creating a niche, I would miss out on business opportunities. I realized that by trying to speak to everyone, I was speaking to no one. I am constantly working on refining my target audience.
What advice would you give to another entrepreneur in the creative industry?
Go for it! Often times the biggest risks have the greatest reward! I left a full-time salary in order to start my own business and was terrified of failing. Be patient with your growth, as it won’t come overnight. With perseverance and dedication, though, you truly can do anything that you set your mind to. You are talented and have gifts to share with the world! Another piece of advice I would give is to “begin with the end in mind.” Determine the outcome that you want for your business and plan accordingly.
What was the biggest quantum leap you made in your business?
Investing thousands of dollars into business and personal development. I have no background in business, so I had (and still have) a lot to learn! I hired multiple professionals to help me get my business started and coach me through the process. Initially, spending thousands of dollars when I wasn’t making money did not make sense. Looking back now, though, I am so grateful that I did!